Solar Eclipse Day: 2024

Apr 22, 2024

On April 8, 2024 many parts of the U.S. were treated to a solar eclipse. This happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, to totally obscure the face of the Sun. When this occurs, the moon casts a shadow along a portion of the Earth's surface called the path of totality (NOAA), and the sky goes dark. 

inside the Cotton Bowl


CPAESS was delighted to help with a couple of eclipse viewing events in Washington, DC and Dallas, TX. Maggie Costley, Event Planning Lead, and Shelley Rabern, Meeting Planner travelled to help with the NASA, NOAA, and NSF's “Sun, Moon, and You” event at the Cotton Bowl Stadium in Dallas. Shelley explained that about 12,000 people turned out for the eclipse at the Cotton Bowl. This free event was open to the public and safety eclipse glasses were provided to everyone.

Of the event, Rabern shared “It was fun! [It was] a little touch and go with the cloud cover.  Every time the sun came out, the crowd cheered.” There were over 2,000 school kids on the stadium field watching the eclipse with their glasses. As fortune would have it the clouds cleared, and the sun came out in time for totality.  The city of Dallas captured both the crowd and the eclipse with totality just after the 2:20 point.



CPAESS staff solar eclipse photos

Many of you traveled to the path of totality to witness this wonderful occurance yourselves. Recently, we asked for some photos of your solar eclipse experience, and Alex Meyer, Graphic Designer, put this lovely collage together. 

Collage of solar eclipse photos

The collage includes a poster-worthy time lapse picture (large upper right) from Peijin Zhang, NASA Jack Eddy fellow; a snapshot of one of our younger members of the CPAESS family, Hawk (bottom left, grandson of Web Developer Tania Sizer) with his viewing glasses on; and a picture of what the eclipse looked like (bottom center) from a rooftop solar panel monitor (thanks John Michalakes, Software Engineer who works with the Naval Research Laboratory). Thank you to all who shared their pictures with us. 

What to do with your used solar eclipse glasses?

Astronomers without Borders is collecting gently used solar eclipse glasses if you have some extra and are so inclined. The next total solar eclipse that will be visible from the contiguous United States will be on August 23, 2044. However, many countries will experience a solar eclipse before that. Astronomers without Borders is redistributing these glasses to other countries where they can be used to enjoy and protect the eyes of others seeking out the joy and wonder of this astronomical phenomenon.


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